Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today I want to talk about birthdays. Today is my birthday and I just turned 27. How come it seems like every 2 months I'm having another birthday. I seems like just yesterday that I was 18. Is that considered old or am I still young? I feel the same as I did when I was 18, but yet my 10 year reunion is coming up and some people and telling me I'm old. My girlfriend is 20 and she cant keep up with me so I beg to differ, but when I go to the bars or a club downtown I see fewer and fewer friends of mine! I run into girls from my high school all the time now and they have two or three kids with them. Half of them are divorced and I find myself wondering, am I doing something wrong or are they? What is the right age to settle down, and get married, and have children. Preferably in that order? Any comments would greatly be appreciated!

Grant Grigsby


  1. Happy Birthday! I feel the same way! Whenever I have another birthday I feel like I have some how jumped to that age. I cannot believe that I am not 16 anymore. It is a strange feeling. I think that you should not settle down, get married, and have children until you are ready. I think there are quite a few people who choose to settle down because they think it is time and those are the people who end up in relationships that are not what they anticipated. I think it is vital to know the person you are going to marry well even if it means you have to date them for 5 years. So do things according to your own schedule and do not depend upon those around you to dictate when those important milestones in your life need to happen.

    Good Luck!

  2. Here's the ticket in my book: If you have to ask if it's time, it's probably not time. When the right time truly comes, you'll know. Of course, time is ageless, so there is no right age, either.

    By the way, if you're only 27, you're just starting to grow up. I don't feel that adult life really starts until 25, no matter what the law says about 21. I'm only 35; however, I feel like I'm about 25 most of the time. That is until I get around some youngsters who call my age "old." Don't get me wrong; I still feel young, even then. It's just that situations like that make me realize how young everyone else is getting also. As far as I'm concerned, every year I just get seasoned a little more, which makes me even better. Ever tasted some chicken without any seasoning on it? Terrible, huh?

    Take care,

  3. Good observation, Kharamel.

    Wait until you get closer to 60! I'm telling you, that's scary. I've never cared much about my birthday, but, as I get older, I want time to stop...

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226

  4. Happy bday!!Every person is different; I personally don’t think you are old at all. Don’t pay attention to all that stuffs because then you are going to start feeling old when you are not. Age is in your mind and your mind can always control how you feel. Don’t let other people feel old when you know you are not!..
