Saturday, January 31, 2009


Today I want to talk about people who vex me. Liars, I hate liars. Why do they have to lie all the time? Ill give you an example. I see someone at a bar that i know and call them. I watch them answer the phone and I ask them whats up, whats going on tonight and they say nothing or they say they are out of town. I hate that. I have a cousin that does that all the time and it drives me crazy. Or when people tell you how successful they are doing but you know that they live with their parents and don't have a job and they drive a car their parents bought them. I hate those people. They VEX me!

This is my new way to vent, so this is the first of many things that VEX me!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I set up my first BLOG account. Hooray for me!!!